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Heritage Conservation

Art & Culture

Art and culture plays an important role in society. It enables understanding of the history of the society, which in-turn enables learnings about the life and its richness. Art and culture includes various items including, but not limited to:

  • Statues
  • Idols
  • Structures
  • Temples
  • Churches
  • Papyruses
  • Manuscripts
  • Paintings
  • Artefacts
  • Murals

Different methods of NDE can be effectively used in the fields of Art and Culture for various applications. The information obtained through the results of NDE can be used to formulate plans for conservation and preservation of such artefacts.

Anthropological Sciences

Anthropological sciences include fields of science related to humans and other living organisms. Non- Destructive Examination can be effectively used in the fields of Anthropology and its related disciplines.

The various fields and disciplines of anthropological sciences where NDE can be effectively used are:

  • Anthropology
  • Geology
  • Archaeology
  • Archaeozoology
  • Geomorphology
  • Palaeontology
  • Palynogy
  • Palaeobotany
  • Numismatics

The list above is not exhaustive and additional sciences and disciplines may also be possible.

Different existing NDE methods can be effectively used for inspection and examination in the various disciplines. These include:

Raman Spectroscopy

Raman Spectroscopy is a non-destructive chemical analysis technique which provides detailed information about chemical structure, phase and polymorphy, crystallinity and molecular interactions. It is based upon the interaction of light with the chemical bonds within a material.

Typically, a sample is illuminated with a laser beam. Electromagnetic radiation from the illuminated spot is collected with a lens and sent through a monochromator. Elastic scattered radiation at the wavelength corresponding to the laser line is filtered out by either a notch filter, edge pass filter, or a band pass filter, while the rest of the collected light is dispersed onto a detector. A Raman spectrum is a distinct chemical fingerprint for a particular molecule or material, and can be used to very quickly identify the material, or distinguish it from others.

Typical Applications

Identification of constituent materials (compounds), fingerprinting and comparison between known and unknown samples. Applicable for non-metals such as paints, medicines, paper, precious stones, geological stone samples and so on. Also applicable for determination of water or oil contamination.

Surface Roughness Measurement

No surface in the world is completely smooth. Every surface has at least a bare minimum roughness. Roughness plays an important role in determining how an object interacts with its environment. Rough surfaces wear quickly and have a higher frictional coefficient. Roughness is useful for gripping (by hand) purpose as well as for adhesion. Indeed, a completely smooth surface will not promote adhesion, meaning that coatings cannot be applied. Similarly, a smooth surface is difficult to grip. A controlled surface roughness is usually preferred.


Surface roughness measurement involves manual comparison of the roughness of a given surface with that of a standard surface. The comparators can be of a contact type with a diamond stylus or optical type. Values available include average of deviations from mean line (Ra) and maximum peak to valley height (Rz).

Typical Applications

Measurement of roughness of various surfaces.

Coating Thickness Measurement

Any metallic item has a tendency to corrode – go back to its original state. Such corrosion can proceed at a rapid rate once it starts. The best way to prevent this is to apply protective coatings of various types such as paint, epoxy, varnish etc. The effectiveness of the coating depends upon the type and thickness of the coating applied.

Coating thickness measurement involves determination of the thickness of non-metallic coatings on metallic substrates. The metallic substrates can be either ferromagnetic or electrically conductive. The measurement of coating thickness can then be analysed to determine whether the correct thickness has been applied, and whether any changes need to be made.

Typical Applications

 Determination of thickness of any non-metallic coating on any metallic substrate.

Computerized Tomography (CT)

Computerized Tomography is similar to Computerized Radiography. More popularly known as CT Scan, Tomography is utilized to obtain 2D and 3D images of small and minute objects such as pollen grains, flowers, leaves, textile threads and so on. The ability of x-ray to penetrate through varying densities allows CT inspection results to provide non-destructive physical characterization of internal features and structures of a part or component.

Typical Applications

Determination of internal structure and analysis of construction method of idols, statues, paintings, artefacts and other items.

Computerized / Digital Radiography (CR/DR)

Computerized (CR) and Digital (DR) are modern types of Radiographic Testing. CR makes the use of a Phosphor Imaging Plate to obtain a digital image. CR uses a cassette based system like conventional film radiography, and can be considered to be a bridge between conventional film radiography and digital radiography. Certain advantages include low initial investment and the availability of various sizes enabling flexibility.

DR uses a Digital X-ray detector to automatically acquire images and transfer them to a computer for viewing. It is capable of fixed or mobile use. Certain advantages include faster image capture, better quality images and high volume capacity.

Both CR and DR can be used for determination of internal structures of various artefacts.

Typical Applications

Determination of internal structure and analysis of construction method of idols, statues, paintings, artefacts and other items.

Remote Visual Inspection (RVI)

Remote Visual Inspection involves inspection of inaccessible and dangerous areas remotely. It involves the use of borescopes, videoscopes and Wireless Fidelity. RVI makes the inspection of inaccessible areas possible, especially where access is restricted due to space constraints.

Typical Applications

Inspection of inaccessible areas such as tunnels, gorges, burrows, small openings and holes. It also involves inspection of areas that are inaccessible due to inherent dangers or space restrictions.

Infrared Thermography (IR):

Infrared Thermography involves determination of heat signatures of various objects, especially those that are exposed to weather conditions. IR uses a temperature gun to indicate surface temperatures. A range of temperatures over the surface can be detected. Heat areas are segregated by means of a colour palette where areas of different temperatures are indicated by different colours.

Typical Applications

Determination of heat signatures and internal flaws in artefacts, paintings, statues, idols and other items.

X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF)

X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) is   Positive Material Identification (PMI) Technique. PMI is useful in determining the constituents of any item, without causing any damage or loss of utility of the item.

Based on the principle that individual atoms, when excited by an external energy source, emit X-ray photons of different characteristic wavelengths. Analysis of the intensity and actual wavelengths of these photons provides information regarding the composition and individual concentration of various elements in the item tested.

Typical Applications

Determination of constitution of materials in soils, fossils, rocks, stones, idols, statues and other items.

Thickness Gauging

Corrosion and wear of items causes their thicknesses to reduce. Reduction of thicknesses to below a certain value would make the item too thin and eventually fail. Thickness gauging is involves measuring the actual thickness of metallic items to determine their current condition and remaining life.

Typical Applications

Measurement of actual thickness of metallic items to determine their current condition and remaining life.

Corrosion Mapping

Corrosion of metals is a serious problems that causes loss of material and permanent damage to an item. Corrosion mapping is used to determine the loss in metal in percentage values. It provides a reading based on how much percentage of the original thickness/ dimension is remaining, in the form of a coloured image graph.

Typical Applications

Determination of loss of thickness in percentage values for ferromagnetic materials. Used to determine how much longer the item could last based on its current condition.

Infrared Thermography (IR):

Infrared Thermography involves determination of heat signatures of various objects, especially those that are exposed to weather conditions. IR uses a temperature gun to indicate surface temperatures. A range of temperatures over the surface can be detected. Heat areas are segregated by means of a colour palette where areas of different temperatures are indicated by different colours.

Typical Applications

To determine temperatures and heat signatures of various items.

In-situ Metallography

In-situ metallography is used to determine degradation of components under weather, temperature, pressure and corrosive atmospheres. This technique enables real-time component condition monitoring and health assessments.


In-situ Metallography and replication is used for microstructural analysis while examining large components that cannot be easily moved or when destructive sample preparation is difficult or not permissible. The testing allows quick on-site evaluation of a component’s metallurgical and heat treatment condition and assists investigators in carrying out a remaining life assessment study or a failure analysis project.

Typical Applications

Determination of metallurgical structure of various metallic components to determine various properties.

Surface Hardness Testing

Hardness Testing involves measurement of surface hardness of a component. Surface hardness is the resistance to surface penetration. Hardness of a component depends upon the material composition, process it has undergone and heat cycles it has been subjected to. There are very few material limitations for hardness testing.

Hardness Testing can be carried out to measure any of the six hardness values – Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, Knoop, Mohs and Shore. In case any value is not detected by the equipment, the values can be converted to any other value using set formulae. Hardness testing is of two basic types – Ultrasonic, where use is made of ultrasonic (sound) signals to determine the surface hardness, which leaves no mark on the sample being tested, and Rebound, where use is made of a small steel ball to impact against the surface being tested, which may leave a small (micron diameter and depth) indentation on the sample being tested.

Typical Applications

Surface hardness measurement of stone, rock, metal, bone, fossils and all similar samples.

Grain Size Measurement

In-situ metallography is used to determine degradation of components under weather, temperature, pressure and corrosive atmospheres. This technique enables real-time component condition monitoring and health assessments.

Grain sizes can be measured by means of Ultrasonic Testing. Sound waves are reflected off the various grain boundaries. Depending upon the number and size of grains, the reflections and diffractions of the sound waves can be measured, thereby giving an indication of the number and size of grains present in the material. Grain size is then calculated as per various standards.

Typical Applications

Microstructure determination, property determination, temperature variation measurement.

Oxide Layer Thickness Measurement

Metals have a natural tendency to go back to the least-energy state. For most metals, this happens to be in the form of the ore in which they are usually extracted. As a result, the metals tend to form into oxides, which are the most stable state with the least energy. Commonly known as rust or patination, the thickness of the oxide layer determines various properties, including propagation or restriction of further corrosion and loss in thickness.

Oxide layer thickness measurement utilises ultrasonic waves to determine the thickness. Ultrasonic signals are traversed through the layer, whereby they come in contact with the base metal eventually. Upon contact, they are reflected back, which are then received and analysed. Determination of this thickness enables calculation of the depth till which the artefact needs to be cleaned so as to remove the scale, but not damage the original metal underneath.

Typical Applications

Determination of oxide layer thickness for various artefacts, determining the depth at which the original artefact begins, deciding the depth up to which cleaning needs to be done.

Soil Analysis

Different locations around the world have different types of soils. The properties of each type of soil is dependent upon its constituent elements. These elements give the soil its unique properties, which further determine the use for that particular type of soil. For e.g. soil properties for agriculture, brick firing and other such operations would vary from each other.

Any item lying in the ground for many years ends up picking some materials, and by extension properties, of the soil. This is especially true in the case of stone tools and lithics found in different types of soil. A layer of patination would form on an otherwise unpatinated sample. This layer would determine the properties, and in itself would be dependent upon the type of soil that the item is found in.

Typical Applications

Determination of constituents of different types of soils for analysis of properties and uses.

Colour Determination

Each colour found in the world, whether natural or artificial, has its own signature parameter. Various scales can be used, such as R,G,B; L*,a*,b* and so on. Under each different scale, every unique colour has its own dedicated parameter value. For example, under the RGB scale, Green has a parameter of 0,255,0 or white has a parameter of 255,255,255.

Determination of the actual colour can be useful in determining the original colour that was used. It can also be used to determine whether a new colour being applied matches with the original one. This is especially useful while conducting conservation of paintings, frescos and other items where originality of colour is essential.

Typical Applications

Determination of colour in paintings, paper, frescos, textiles, wood, metals and so on. Comparing two colours and determining the exact difference in shades of the same colour.

Aerial Inspection by Drones

Quite often, large areas need to be surveyed in short periods of time. These could include for studies of the land, structure, rock formations etc. Likewise, inspections of various items located at heights may be required. In such cases, physically climbing to the said height may be tiresome and dangerous.

Aerial inspection by drones, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) can be effectively used for quick scanning of large, inaccessible or dangerous areas, saving time and effort. The scans can be seen live on various screens. The data can be saved, transferred and analysed as required.

Typical Applications

 Inspection of large, inaccessible or dangerous areas in a safe and quick manner.

Buried Pipe And Cable Detection

Quite often, utility pipes and electric cables are buried underground for transfer of liquid or electricity over long distances, such as cross-country. Under such circumstances, it may be difficult to determine the exact location of the pipes or cables, especially if they are buried deep under the ground. Not knowing exact locations of such pipes and cables is an issue when excavation is to be carried out, especially in urban areas..

Detection of the location of buried pipes and cables makes use of a high-performance multi-frequency locating equipment. Various modes are available, such as Power Mode, Radio Mode, Transmitter Mode and All Scan Mode. Proper modes can be selected and the equipment scanned over the ground. It will detect any pipes or cables that are present underneath over a wide range of depths.

Typical Applications

Detection of exact location of electric cables and utility pipes prior to carrying out excavations.